Standard Bearers 2008 XVI
Event Details
- Date - April 5, 2008
- Location - Stow Armory
- Website -
- Event Steward - Shlomo Korobenik
- Feast Steward - Sarra Bossard
About the Event
The 17th Annual Standard Bearers was held at the Stow Armory, nestled within the borders of Brendoken to the south. Although the event was technically a Standard Bearers, it is primarily know by the moniker Never Trust a Barony Over 30.
Tyzes Sofia headed breakfast bar, Llywelyn Glyndyverdwy oversaw the Bardic Brawl, Juliane Bechaumpe taught dyeing and organized the Artisan's Solar. Runa Æikibrandskona organized a silent auction to raise money for the royal travel fund. Clairiel du Vent Argent organized an amazing historic display.
At the onset of the tournament, Their Excellencies asked all previous Standard Bearers present to stand in order in which they had held the standard and to pass it down the line to them. Each Standard Bearer spoke of who they received it from and who they gave it to, so even those Standard Bearer's not present were represented. The first Standard Bearer William Ransom, followed by Ephraim ben Shlomo, Conrad Schwartzwolf, Lothar de Normandie, Crispin de la Rochefoucauld, Radagaisus Vidigoia Balthi, and Silverthorn of Drachenmoor.
As the start of a new tradition, Baron Edward Brackenburye held the list and fought each combatant as part of their entry fee to the list. The combatants were required to bring a tale of the Barony's history based on one of the Chivalric virtues. Kari Garanhirson won the prize, a set of blue and white goblets, for the best tale. Milesent Vibert chose Aiden Elfëadur as the new Premiere Dancer of the Dance Guild.
Ealdred of Gwyntarian gleefully presented a feast themed the History of Cleftlands Feasts including some comedic recreations of past disasters such as a large empty platter with a sign representing the feast where they pig they ordered never arrived, and an over-turned pot of burned peas.
Later in Baronial Court it was announced that all those were previously awarded the Baronial Award to be Named were now Companions of the Order of Saint Clairiel, with the two newest members being Laurelen Darksbane and Eikbrandr Solgyafi.
Clara d'Este acted as historian on the day, documenting it online.
- Baronial Standard Bearer - Bernhard Stürmære
- Baronial Archery Champion - Ealdred of Gwyntarian
- Baronial Armored Champion - Cherise of Cleftlands
- Baronial Rapier Champion - Miguel de Cervesa
Personal Memories
Here's the wrap-up of the Bardic Brawl at the 2008 Standard Bearers Tournament, or Never Trust a Barony over 30. The five participants and their entries were:
- Ephraim ben Shlomo
- The Pennsic Progress, an epic poem by Ephraim.
- Llywelyn Glyndyverdwy
- The Human Heart, a sonnet by Llywelyn
- The Seven Deadly Virtues, words by Llywelyn to the tune of Padstow
- There once was a lass of Brendoken, a love song by Llywelyn, tie breaker
- Lyonnete Vibert
- Do I Dare, a 15th century French classic, author and translator unknown
- The Fairy Song, a modern song, author unknown
- Tyzes Sofia
- Eikbrandr, a heroic tribute by Zsof and Runa
- Where Are The Dragons, by Andrew Blackwood MacBaine
- Ursula the Widow
- The Hoard," (poem by J.R.R. Tolkien; chant and drum part by Ursula)
- Why Betty's Not in Tudor Garb Today, words by Ursula to the tune of Where the Praties Grow
- Draco Invictus, words and music by Ursula, tie breaker
Their Excellencies Edward and Milesent adjudicated. In spite of their excellent songs and poems and very entertaining performances, Ephraim, Lyonnete, and Zsof were disqualified on technical grounds. Her Excellency called for a tiebreaker from Llywelyn and Ursula, and in the end they shared the prize: a copy of Beowulf signed by the author. Special thanks to Jared of Coventry for inscribing it "Best Wishes, Anonymous". - Llywelyn Glyndyverdwy