Category:Standard Bearers
Cleftlands is a proud Barony with a rich history, and it isn't uncommon to spy its members sporting the iconic white and blue nebuly both on and off the battlefield. Once a year, the Baron and Baroness hold a tournament to determine which gentles earn the honor of officially bearing the Baronial standard in the fields of armored combat, rapier combat, archery, and arts and sciences. Typically an intimate local event, Standard Bearers' is a day of friendly competition amongst the populace. In an unusual twist, the winner in each field may not be be the one chosen to represent their discipline for the coming year, as heart and devotion count towards the accolade as much as does prowess. While this event is geared towards the baronial populace, friends from all over are welcome to attend and compete, as long as they are willing to represent Cleftlands with honor until the next tournament.
Pages in category "Standard Bearers"
The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.
- Standard Bearers 1992 I
- Standard Bearers 1993 II
- Standard Bearers 1994 III
- Standard Bearers 1995 IV
- Standard Bearers 1996 V
- Standard Bearers 1997 VI
- Standard Bearers 1998 VII
- Standard Bearers 1999 VIII
- Standard Bearers 2000 IX
- Standard Bearers 2001 X
- Standard Bearers 2003 XI
- Standard Bearers 2004 XII
- Standard Bearers 2005 XIII
- Standard Bearers 2006 XIV
- Standard Bearers 2007 XV
- Standard Bearers 2008 XVI
- Standard Bearers 2009 XVII
- Standard Bearers 2010 XIX
- Standard Bearers 2010 XVIII
- Standard Bearers 2011 XX
- Standard Bearers 2012 XXI
- Standard Bearers 2013 XXII
- Standard Bearers 2014 XXIII
- Standard Bearers 2015 XXIV
- Standard Bearers 2016 XXV
- Standard Bearers 2017 XXVI
- Standard Bearers 2018 XXVII
- Standard Bearers 2019 XXVIII
- Standard Bearers 2023 XXIX
- Standard Bearers 2024 XXX