Standard Bearers 2009 XVII
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Event Details
- Date - April 18, 2009
- Location - William Ransom and Seadna O'Bainainn
- Website -
- Event Stewards - Dulcia Wylde, Edward Brackenburye
About the Event
The 17th Annual Standard Bearers event was held at the home of Sir William and Mistress Seadna in Concord, OH. There was a pot-luck luncheon served after the championship competitions. Of interesting note, Ealdred of Gwyntarian competed on all three lists, despite having returned from a trip to Belgium the night before. Vedrix stood undefeated in the heavy list winning the right to be Standard Bearer.
- Baronial Standard Bearer - Vedrix of Cleftlands
- Baronial Archery Champion - Garvin the Slow
- Baronial Armored Champion - Ealdred of Gwyntarian
- Baronial Rapier Champion - Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo