Seadna O'Bainainn
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Her Excellency Mistress Seadna O'Bainainn (Pronounced 'Shaw-na') is best known for her work in making glass beads, a skill she is always willing to teach others to the delight of the populace. She is an accomplished middle eastern dancer, fond of dancing with lit candles. Definately not a woman who's afraid of fire! Seadna is a member of the Sisterhood of the Gilded Bee, a household of virtuous ladies that spans the Midrealm and into our sister kingdom to the south, Meridies.
- Order of the Pelican (18 Aug, 2005)
- Court Baroness (13 Apr, 2002)
- Order of the Dragon's Heart (22 Sep, 2001)
- Order of the Willow (27 Jan, 1996)
- Award of the Purple Fret (27 Jan, 1996)
- Award of the Purple Fret (09 May, 1998)
- Award of the Doe's Grace (28 Sep, 2002)
- Award of Arms (17 Aug, 1990)
- Award of the Sapphire (01 May, 2010)
- Event Steward - Northern Oaken War Maneuvers 2008 XII