Standard Bearers 2007 XV
Event Details
- Date - Spring 2007
- Location - Grace Church, Willoughby OH
- Event Stewards - Dulcia Wylde, Milesent Vibert
- Feast Steward - Angharad ferch Tangwystl
About the Event
The 16th Annual Standard Bearers was held in conjunction with the Northern Oaken Regional Arts & Sciences Faire. The day was lovely, over 70 degrees, bright and sunny -- a rarity for the time of year.
Giovanna Giovannelli organized a full spectrum of classes that were remarkably well attended. Teachers volunteered from all over the kingdom, as far away as Indianapolis and Michigan, to volunteer their talents and artistry. Erzsebet of Cleftlands organized the Craftsperson's Faire, an artisan competition which does not require documentation and is judged by the populace. Entries included a helm by EikBrandr Solgyafi, a stained glass window by Runa Æikibrandskona, a display of pigments by Aiden Elfëadur, a painted plate by Pietro Nicolo da San Tebaldo, an illumination by Elena inghean Ronin, meads by Zuriel Nightshade, cordials by Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari, woven trim by Halla, dyed eggs, and a slat bed. The faire prize, a pair of Viking chairs made by Dulcia and her father, went to Elena.
In the evening court, it was also announced that Edward Brackenburye and Milesent Vibert had been selected to be the Third Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands. Clara d'Este has a collection of photos of this online.
- Baronial Standard Bearer - Stephan von Lübeck
- Baronial Archery Champion - Christopher Bathory
- Baronial Armored Champion - Cathan Mac An Bhaird
- Baronial Rapier Champion - Ealdred of Gwyntarian