A Regular Event in Cleftlands 2013 XVIII
Event Details
- Date - January 12, 2013
- Location - Medina County Fairgrounds
- Website - http://cleftlands.org/events/regular/2013/
- Event Steward - Jolicia atte Northclyfe
- Feast Steward - Ealdred of Gwyntarian
About the Event
Regular Event was held within the borders of Brendoken, our neighbors to the south, and was unusually early on the calendar. Despite our best attempt to skate on the Thames, the Frost Faire was met with an unseasonably warm day. The theme was a late 16th century English frost faire and included a fabulous, fully documented feast headed up by Ealdred and the Cleftlands Cooks' Guild. The subtlety of fish in the frozen Thames, made of gelatin, was meant to be viewed, not eaten..
The court list of Their Majesties Dag VII and AnneMarie III was extensive, but the highlight was definitely the knighting of our sitting Baron Calum MacDhaibhidh. As a tongue in cheek gesture, Edward Brackenburye received his Award of Arms at the event officially as he had never received one before.
Court List
- Cordell Howe - Award of Arms
- Edward Brackenburye - Award of Arms
- Slaine inghean ui Seachnasaigh - Award of Arms
- Matthew Howe - Award of Arms
- Sergei the Jester - Award of Arms
- Ulrich Rickher - Award of Arms
- Alienor de Saint Remi - Order of the Willow
- Gianna Vettori - Order of the Willow
- Nadyezhda the Simple - Order of the Willow
- Oliver Stillman - Order of the Willow
- Cecily de Montgomery - Award of the Purple Fret
- Denis de Wahulle - Award of the Purple Fret
- Dorothea Wever - Award of the Purple Fret
- Esther Seixas - Award of the Purple Fret
- Jared of Coventry - Award of the Purple Fret
- Kari Garanhirson - Award of the Purple Fret
- Maaicke van Zanten - Award of the Purple Fret
- Magdalein Webbe - Award of the Purple Fret
- Nest Bengrek - Award of the Purple Fret
- Robert atte Northclyfe - Award of the Purple Fret
- Astridr Ketilsdottir - Order of the Evergreen
- Calum MacDhaibhidh - Order of Chivalry -- Knight