Category:Gryphon's Rest
An inter-kingdom household founded by the Honorable Lord Rickard de Als and the Honorable Lady Genevieve de Saint-Malo.
Gryphon's Rest is a household that originated in the Rivenvale area in Anno Societatis XXXIII (A.S. 33 -- 1998). It has since spread across the Middle Kingdom and the Known World. The members are encouraged to be involved in their local groups, taking active roles in leadership and event staff there. Because the group is spread out geographically, they look forward to gathering at large camping events such as the Pennsic War.
The group has a wide variety of interests including armored combat, rapier combat, equestrian activities, dancing, thrown weapons, archery, bardic arts, brewing and vintning, and other arts & sciences. Members are well known for teaching classes and setting up artisan's row displays.
Pages in category "Gryphon's Rest"
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.