Yule Revel 2007

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Sir Rutgur Presents the Baronial Sword of State

Event Details

  • Date - December 19, 2007
  • Location - Recher Hall
  • Event Steward = n/a

Event Details

This was a brand new tradition inducted by our new Baron and Baroness, Edward and Milesent. The December Wednesday Dessert Revel was declared a Yule Revel and in particular Their Excellencies asked everyone to bring A&S projects they had worked on to display. There was a bit of misunderstanding, when Milesent said at meeting "I'm looking at you, fighters! You are always doing stuff, but no one sees it, bring it to show" Runa thought she was implying that fighters do not do arts, when actually she meant exactly the opposite and indeed the arts display was more than half work by fighters.

Court List

Baronial court of Their Excellencies Edward and Milesent, Third Baron and Baroness of the Cleftlands – December 19th AS 42 (2007) at Recher Hall.

Christopher Bathory – Presentation of new Archery Champion’s mantle
Calum MacDhaibhidh and Tatsukawa Sarumaru Chisato (call together) – Presented with embroidered Baronial Dish Towels for their work in event kitchens, specifically doing dishes. 
Clairiel du Vent Argent – Announcement that we are naming our Baronial award the Order of Saint Clairiel
Birna Gunnlaugsdottir – Order of Saint Clairiel, premiere
The Eastwatch Seneschals; Eva Strümeare, Vasilii Volchago Zuba Syn and Eleana ighean Ronin (call together) – Order of Saint Clairiel
Stephan von Lübeck – Baroness’s favor
Radagaisus Vidigoia Balthi – Presentation of the new Baronial Sword of State

Thank the scribes – Lassarina O’Malley, Astridr Kettlsdottir, Crispin dela Rouchfaucauld, Runa (Alexandra la Noire), Milesent Vibert and Edward Brackenburye