Coronation of Dagan and Armida 1974

From Barony of the Cleftlands
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Event Details

  • Date - 10/12/1974
  • Site - Squire's Castle
  • Event Stewards - Ozzie, Karen, Swami, and Maria
  • Feast Setward -

About the Event

The first Coronation held in the Cleftlands happened in the fall of 1974 and it did not go well at all.

The site was an exquisite choice, Squire's Castle. A jewel of the Cleveland Metroparks, where better to crown a king than in a small stone castle? Permission was obtained from the Metroparks to hold the event there... however the holder of the letter of permission did not show up to the event! A bad start.

The event is spoken of in the Chronicle of Isabella of Greycliffs:

The Cleftlands finally got to host a kingdom event, Dagan's first coronation in the fall of 1974. Ozzie, Karen, Swami, and Maria did a lot of the planning. The day site was Squire's Castle. The tourney was to be at Thwing, and the feast at Fenn Tower. Almost all transportation in the Cleftlands died the week of the event. Swami had obtained a permit saying they needed no permit to use Squire's Castle, but he didn't show up at the castle with it. The police were finally somehow convinced that SCA was there legally. Dagan had his coronation and held his first court. There was some unpleasantness with Sterling van Hamm at this point. He left the SCA shortly afterwards. Due to lack of transportation and no lack of confusion, the tournament was never held. Some people, such as Maria and Yosef, never even got rides to the feast. They turned out to be the lucky ones. There were 45 feast reservations, and the cooks made enough food for 70 people. Many more than that number showed up. There was one salmon, and some bread trenchers (which in this case did not feed the multitude). The roast suckling pig was delivered 2 hours late. A young server also managed to overturn a giant vat of peas. The event was a disaster, and earned notoriety for the Cleftlands which lasted several years.

Court List